

移民翻譯公司| 移民翻譯報價(jià)| 移民材料翻譯蓋章 -【譯境翻譯上海公司】



現在大家已經(jīng)把移民的目光由美國、英國轉向了加拿大、澳洲這些國家,自從加拿大技術(shù)移民被一刀切后,加拿大技術(shù)移民申請越來(lái)越難,要求越來(lái)越高。加拿大移民Express Entry(快速入境)系統啟動(dòng)后,符合聯(lián)邦技術(shù)移民條件的人需要獲得加拿大雇主工作邀請(job offer),才能遞交移民申請。加拿大政府對于翻譯的也提出了明確的要求:如果客戶(hù)遞交的支持文件不是英語(yǔ)也不是法語(yǔ)的,申請人必須向CIC提供由認證的翻譯公司提供的翻譯件原件。所以想移民的朋友在找翻譯公司的同時(shí),還要看它是否可以進(jìn)行翻譯認證,符合國際通行的標準并且可以提供具有法律效益的翻譯專(zhuān)用章。

上海譯境翻譯公司是在上海市工商局注冊的正規翻譯公司,位于上海徐家匯附近寫(xiě)字樓,交通 便利,長(cháng)期擔任中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )和美國翻譯協(xié)會(huì )榮譽(yù)會(huì )員,擁有經(jīng)上海市公安局注冊備案的權威翻譯專(zhuān)用章。所翻譯的文件為國內外政府機構、企事業(yè)團體所認可。


1) 100%人工翻譯。
2) 強調譯員個(gè)人素質(zhì):專(zhuān)職譯員全部來(lái)自211重點(diǎn)大學(xué)外語(yǔ)學(xué)院,且在工作中定期實(shí)施各種旨在提高翻譯質(zhì)量的培訓活動(dòng)。
3) 一譯兩審:初譯之后,由其他兩名不同的譯員分別進(jìn)行一審和二審。
4) 依靠龐大的專(zhuān)業(yè)術(shù)語(yǔ)庫。EGING在長(cháng)期的翻譯過(guò)程中,積累了眾多專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域的專(zhuān)業(yè)名詞。引導譯員學(xué)習不同專(zhuān)業(yè)領(lǐng)域的基礎知識。


大多數準備移民美國的申請人,都有非英文的記錄及文件:如出生證明、結婚證書(shū)、離婚證書(shū)等。無(wú)論是何種移民所需的文件,均需以英文形式提交移民局。與許多其他國家不同,美國政府并不會(huì )發(fā)出文件的核證譯本。 

條文8 CFR Sec.1003.33對文件翻譯要求是:任何申請所需的外語(yǔ)文件,須附有英文翻譯及翻譯員簽字的證明信。這種證明信須聲明翻譯員能勝任翻譯文件工作,且所譯文件是翻譯員能力范圍內真實(shí)準確的語(yǔ)言表達。  



為得到一個(gè)被認可的翻譯文件,必須先找到一位公證人。許多銀行為他們的客戶(hù)進(jìn)行免費公證,許多支票兌現服務(wù)及其他一些公司也提供此項服務(wù),但要收取一定的費用。公證人在大多數情況下不會(huì )公正翻譯的本身,而是公證宣誓書(shū)。在宣誓書(shū)中翻譯人員要發(fā)誓「他們精通英文和原文件語(yǔ)言」、「證明翻譯真實(shí)準確」,然后翻譯人員在該宣誓書(shū)上簽字。一旦公證人確認了翻譯人員的身分(翻譯人員須攜帶駕駛執照或護照到公證處),公證人將會(huì )在文件上加蓋印章,并在宣誓書(shū)簽字。




I-829 通知單

收據號碼:WAC-14-261-00176                  接收日期:2014.6.18

參考號碼:A062604126                        接收時(shí)間:21:01

申 請 人:   于立濤

3699威爾謝爾大馬路ste 600

洛杉磯     ,CA90010






P.O.   BOX   30111

LAGUNA   NIGUEL,   CA  92607-0111




2.關(guān)于您提交的任何的其他申請我們將會(huì )分別通知您。






如果你對本通知或是您填寫(xiě)的申請書(shū)和請愿書(shū)有任何疑問(wèn),可以聯(lián)系通知背面頁(yè)上的辦公室 ,我們推薦您致電垂詢(xún)。如要寫(xiě)信,請內附本通知復印件一份







批準一個(gè)移民的請愿并不會(huì )傳達任何權利地位。經(jīng)批準的申請,只是建立了一個(gè)基礎,在這基礎上申請的人可以申請移民或提供未婚夫(妻)簽證來(lái)調整身份。




對于一個(gè)人是已經(jīng)在美國是否可以申請居留制調整的更多信息,請參閱I - 485申請表,注冊申請永久居留或調整居留制。


Special Notice

Ⅰ. This Contract is a sample drafted jointly by Shanghai Housing, Land and Resources Administration Bureau and Shanghai Administrative Bureau for Industry and Commerce in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and Shanghai Method for Real Estate Transfer.

Ⅱ. This contract is applicable to the purchase and sale of all the real estate other than the presale of the real estate developer, the sale of commodity houses and public houses.

Ⅲ. This contract is made and entered into between the Parties under the principles of equality, free will and friendly consultation. House purchase is a civil legal act involving relatively bigger amount of subject matter, higher expertise and more laws and regulations. The Parties shall pay attention to the following issues when entering into the real estate sales contract:

1. Co-owner's right. The right registration of the real estate includes exclusive ownership and co-ownership. The co-ownership means that the two and/or more obligees co-own the same real estate. When entering into the real estate sales contract, the co-owners included in the certificate of real estate ownership shall sign and seal on the Contract.

When the former public housing which has already been purchased by the workers intend to sell, the adults shared the same house upon the purchase of housing reformation shall show their consensus to sell on corresponding relationship described in Attachment Five of the Contract and sign and seal on the Contract; if they cannot sign and seal on the Contract for any reasons, other certificates which prove they agree to sell shall be illustrated.

Prior to the sale of the real estate, the obligee in the certificate of real estate ownership shall gain consensus with his or her spouse. The obligee shall bear legal liability when his or her spouse raises an objection after the sale.

2. Deposit. Deposit of sales contract is the guarantee for the performance of the Contract by the Parties. The Parties can agree upon the deposit amount, payment date and other details in the Appendix 3 Payment Agreement of the Contract.

3. House hand-over means the process during which the seller delivers the house to the buyer on the date and in the way as agreed, and the buyer checks and accepts. The Parties shall clarify the hand-over and acceptance date, choose the way of delivery in Article 4 of the Contract.

When the seller sells originally purchased commodity housing, along the housing quality guarantee and residence user’s instructions manual provided by developer shall be delivered to the buyer and the buyer is entitled to the rights and interests as stipulated in two said documents.

4. Quality of housing. Quality terms are essential content of the sales contract. The house under transaction shall maintain normal usage function. When the house beyond reasonable service life continues to be in use, the obligee shall entrust survey and design unit with corresponding qualification or degree to appraise.

5. Before the signing of the real estate sales contract, the buyer shall make a enquiry of relevant registration (filing) data about purchasing and selling real estate at real estate trading center, check if there is any dispute upon the property right of the real estate and other limitation of rights, to safeguard their own rights and interests.

6. When purchasing and selling the house that has been leased, the seller shall notify the tenant three months prior to the sales of the house, the tenant shall have the right of preemption under the same conditions. If the tenant waives its right of preemption, the buyer shall enter into a new agreement with the tenant and continue the implement of the lease contract after purchasing the house.

7. When purchasing and selling the house that has been mortgaged, the seller shall notify mortgagee in advance in writing, reach consensus on relevant issues and inform the buyer of the fact of the real estate mortgage.

8. Land use right after the purchase and sales of the real estate

 (1) Residential housing

When residential housing is for sale, the use right of the land occupied by the house shall be transferred together. And if the term for land use is indicated in the certificate of real estate ownership, it shall be filled out truthfully in Article 3 (1) of the Contract.

When the garden house is for sale while the land-transferring fees has not been paid, the buyer shall go through state-owned land use right transfer procedure at city, district or county housing, land and resources administration bureau, pay overdue land-transferring fees and refer to Article 3 (2) of the Contract.

 (2) Non-residential housing

When land use right is acquired by way of transfer, the use right of the land occupied by the house that is for sale shall be transferred together. And if the term for land use is indicated in the certificate of real estate ownership, it shall be filled out truthfully in Article 3 (1) of the Contract.

In accordance with laws, rules and regulations, when real estate is purchased or sold on allotted land, the buyer shall go through state-owned land use right transfer procedure, pay land-transferring fees for the right of land use and the Parties shall refer to Article 3 (2) of the Contract.

Except as aforesaid, any belongs to the scopes of the lease of state-owned land, buying a share by land use right evaluation and other form of paid land use as stipulated in the Law of Land Administration of the People’s Republic of China, the Parties shall specify in Article 3 (3) of the Contract.

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